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Lower Back Pain: Surgery-Free Solutions

Lower Back Pain: Surgery-Free Solutions

Lower back pain is one of the most common forms of chronic pain in the country and for a good reason. This generalized discomfort in the lower back can be caused by a myriad of underlying medical conditions as well as everyday situations and can easily interfere with your daily life.

When you are suffering from lower back pain, it’s harder to work, do household chores, and conduct all of those little tasks that are just a regular part of the day.

So what causes lower back pain, and what can you do to mitigate the problem without potentially addictive pain medications or a scheduled surgery? The answers to both of these questions may be more surprising than you’d think.

Causes of Lower Back Pain

There are dozens, if not hundreds of potential issues or medical conditions that can result in lingering and chronic pain in the lower back. Here are just a few of the more prevalent causes of this all-too-common problem.

Muscle Strain

Muscles and ligaments in the lower back can easily tear or stretch due to excess activity or too much strain, such as sitting or staying in an uncomfortable position for too long regularly.

Disc Injury

Disc injuries in the lower back are very common and tend to become more likely with age. A slipped or ruptured disc, (also known as a herniated disc), pushes against the nerve roots or spinal cords, which leads to the ensuing pain.

Spinal Stenosis

Spinal stenosis is another condition that becomes more likely with age, and it occurs when the spinal column starts to narrow, and in turn, puts added pressure on the spinal cords and the ensuing spinal nerves.

Abnormal Spine Curvatures

Abnormal spine curvatures include conditions such as scoliosis, kyphosis, and lordosis. These are congenital conditions that usually first appear during childhood.

The unusual curvature results in pain in the lower back as excess pressure is put on:


This inflammation of the joints is another common condition that can often result in back pain, as well as pain in other areas of the body.


Fibromyalgia includes chronic pain in the muscles, tendons, and joints. It often occurs in the lower back where these critical components of the body can be especially vulnerable to excess strain.

Finding a Smart Solution

When it comes to lower back pain, many patients initially reach out to their general practitioner. Many try a combination of pain relievers or even surgical procedures to find a long term cure.

But you don’t have to drastically alter your life to find relief now and for the long-term future. At ACELLerated Interventional Orthopedics, we have years of experience finding non-invasive and smart solutions that can:

Contact us today to schedule your consultation, and we’ll take a personalized and strategic approach to address your specific back pain.

Because each case is individualized, we ensure your ensuing treatment is never a one-size-fits-all solution. We work hard to provide the best treatment for you.



Article Name

Lower Back Pain: Surgery-Free Solutions


Lower back pain can have a myriad of different causes. Take a deeper look at what causes lower back pain, and how you can find the best long term solution.


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