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Kyphoplasty Repair For Vertebral Compression Fracture

Kyphoplasty Repair For Vertebral Compression Fracture

A vertebral compression fracture can certainly be a painful and progressive condition, and it can stem from a myriad of causes.

People who have osteoporosis, and especially in more severe cases, can develop a vertebral compression fracture from simple and everyday activities, like sneezing or lifting a slightly heavy object.

Also, long-term steroid use may cause a vertebral compression fracture, diseases that affect the bones, and other traumas or injuries.

More Common as We Get Older

Unfortunately, vertebral compression fractures become more common as we get older as well, especially when it comes to patients with osteoporosis.

An estimated 25% of all postmenopausal women in the United States are affected by a vertebral compression fracture (VCF). And this number skyrockets to 40% for women who are 80 years old or older.

The symptoms associated with vertebral compression fractures can be life-affecting, as well. Generally, the symptoms start with back pain with an increase in intensity when:

It can progress to height loss and even deformity and disability.

Effective Treatments

But while vertebral compression fractures have become common, and especially in older Americans, research into effective treatments has also grown by leaps and bounds over the past decade.

No longer do patients have to rely on painkillers to treat the symptoms or painful surgeries that require long recovery time.

Instead, there are non-invasive and simpler procedures that can make a world of difference. Consider Kyphoplasty Repair. Dr. Rich offers this service for vertebral compression fractures.

Kyphoplasty Repair

We use Kyphoplasty Repair, a minimally invasive procedure, to:

Via a small incision, a needle is used to slowly inflate a balloon to form a small cavity before bone cement is injected to strengthen and solidify the spine.

It’s a quick procedure, is relatively painless with generalized anesthesia. And it has huge results! One recent study found that more than 75% of people who had undergone a Kyphoplasty Repair procedure saw a noticeable increase in activity and mobility.

Are You a Good Candidate?

So how do you know if you are a good candidate for Kyphoplasty Repair? It starts by looking for these key signs:

Your back pain worsens with extra weight.

If your pain increases noticeably when you are lifting a heavy item, then it may be time to look into your options.

You do not have a severe deformity.

An established and severe deformity of the spine cannot traditionally be repaired with a minimal and non-invasive procedure like Kyphoplasty Repair. More aggressive treatments may be required.

The pain is not going away.

If your pain has lasted for more than two weeks, it’s time to see Dr. Rich and discuss your options.

We Can Help

Remember, at our office, we individualize all treatments. We work with you one-on-one through an in-depth and initial consultation to determine what works best for you.

Contact us today to schedule your appointment. Let’s find a viable and long-lasting solution that will help you get your active, pain-free life back on track.

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Kyphoplasty Repair for Vertebral Compression Fracture


There’s a better solution when it comes to long-lasting treatment for Vertebral Compression Fractures. Read on to learn more about Kyphoplasty Repair, and how it can help you get your life back.


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