Why You Might Be A Good Candidate For Kyphoplasty

The back—made up of nerves, muscles, and bones—supports the weight of the body while allowing flexibility and protection of vital organs and nerves.
The back is strong. Yet, it is vulnerable to a variety of medical conditions.
In fact, back pain is one of the main medical complaints that doctors hear. Nearly 65 million Americans say that they’ve recently experienced it.
If you are experiencing back pain, there are procedures designed to help ease your suffering. One of these procedures is kyphoplasty.
What is Kyphoplasty?
If your back pain is a result of vertebral compression fractures (VCF), kyphoplasty might be the next step to healing. This injury happens when one or more vertebrae collapses. Vertebrae collapse often causes unbearable pain and shrinks the affected person’s height.
Kyphoplasty is performed through a small skin puncture into the damaged vertebrae. A balloon catheter is then inserted to create some space. Once the balloon is removed, the remaining space is filled with bone cement.
This minimally invasive operation stabilizes fractured vertebrae, reduces associated back pain, and helps restore the lost vertebrae to their normal height.
After the procedure, patients can start walking within hours and return home the same day. Soreness is the only common side effect of kyphoplasty recovery. Most patients can resume normal activity within days of the procedure.
Are you a good candidate for Kyphoplasty?
Roughly 750,000 people suffer VCF every year. Occasionally VCF can occur with little to no symptoms, but pain is more common. Thankfully, there are some natural treatment options, such as rest, physical therapy, or a back brace.
However, if these methods prove ineffective, kyphoplasty may be your best solution. This surgery is most effective eight weeks or sooner after the fracture. After that, the vertebra heals at an awkward angle making height restoration difficult. After 12 weeks, most physicians will not perform kyphoplasty.
Because of these time restraints, is important to have a long-term plan soon after your fracture.
Want to know if kyphoplasty is right for you? Here are some questions to ask yourself:
- Have you had bone weakening cancer? Certain types of cancer can weaken your bones. The weaker your bones, the more susceptible you are to further fractures. In such cases, it is important to create a healthy, stable spine to minimize future risk.
- Do you have osteoporosis? If you have osteoporosis, you’re 5x more likely to suffer from vertebral compression fractures. Like cancer, treating an initial VCF can save you from future fractures.
- Do you have a tumor in the area of the VCF? If so, the compressed vertebra will likely put uncomfortable pressure on the spot. In cases where the tumor has metastasized, relieving this pressure is one of the more affordable methods of pain reduction.
- Are your back fractures significantly impacting your life? Fractures can be agonizing, and the constant movement of the back only aggravates them more. Kyphoplasty reduces pain and increases wellbeing soon after surgery.
Schedule a conversation with Accelerated Interventional Orthopedics today to learn if kyphoplasty will help your spinal problems. We will work with you one-on-one to find the best long-term solution for your problems.
Key Takeaways
- Find out if the source of your back problems is vertebral compression fractures.
- Determine whether kyphoplasty is the best option for you.
- Contact Accelerated Interventional Orthopedics for guidance on surgery.
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