Understanding The Basics Of Peripheral Neuropathy

Understanding The Basics Of Peripheral Neuropathy
Peripheral neuropathy is a term used to describe a condition that arises from the peripheral nerves. These nerves are responsible for the communication between the spinal cord, the brain, the central nervous system, and other parts of your body.
For example, when you touch a hot service, the sensory receptors send a message to these nerves, which communicates to the brain where the pain is registered. Then, finally, the brain processes the information and the pain if felt.
Sometimes peripheral neuropathy can cause damage to several nerves in different ways. If these nerves are damaged, there won’t be effective communication between your brain and the entire body.
Causes Of Peripheral Neuropathy
Most people who come from families that have peripheral neuropathy history are likely to suffer from the condition. But, that may not be the primary determinant. Some other factors and conditions can lead to the problem.
Certain Kinds Of Illness
Diabetes is one of the leading causes of peripheral neuropathy, which results in acute pain, loss of sensory, and numbness.
The risk might also be extreme for individuals who:
- have high blood pressure
- are overweight
- are 40 years and above
Autoimmune Diseases
Autoimmune disorders such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis damage your nervous system in different ways.
They cause chronic pain and damage your tissues in your entire body. The pressure that is a result of this inflammation leads to peripheral neuropathy.
Physical injury is also a leading cause of peripheral neuropathy. Falls or accidents can cause injuries. Holding something for too long in a single position can result in the condition too.
If you put too much pressure on your central nerves, it can lead to carpal tunnel syndrome, which is a type of neuropathy.
“I’m not diabetic, no family history of neuropathy and I’m not injured, how comes I have this condition?” You could be wondering.
Are you under any of these?
- Medications used to fight bacterial infections
- Blood pressure medications
- Anticonvulsants medications used to treat people with seizures
- Cancer treatment
If your answer is yes, then that could be the cause.
Some bacteria and viruses can be responsible for your nerve problems.
Such viruses include varicella-zoster, herpes simplex, which leads to shingles and chickenpox. And, Epstein-Barr virus, which attacks the sensory nerves causing chronic pain regularly.
Bacterial infections include Lyme disease, which damages the nerves if not diagnosed and treated early. People who have HIV and AIDS might also be victims of peripheral neuropathy.
Types Of Peripheral Neuropathy
There are a ton of peripheral neuropathies that come as results of different reasons. This condition is usually classified according to the viable cause behind the nerve damage.
Mononeuropathy is when there is only one damaged nerve tissue in your body. It happens mostly as a result of physical injuries from accidents or falls. Carpal tunnel syndrome is a significant type of mononeuropathy, which leads to an overuse of strain physical trauma.
The damage of your nerves causes tingling, unusual sensation, numbness, and pain on your fingers, making your hand muscles weak.
Polyneuropathy is when you have several damaged peripheral nerves. Polyneuropathy can be as a result of several causes, like exposure to specific toxins from alcohol abuse and complications like kidney failure or cancer. And, to some extent, poor nutrition.
Polyneuropathy becomes a matter of concern for people with high blood sugar levels.
Guillan-Barre syndrome is one of the most dangerous types of polyneuropathy. Its symptoms show up faster and get worse rapidly, which may later lead to paralysis.
When To See A Doctor
If you start experiencing weakness, pain, or any unusual tingling on your feet or hands, contact our medical facility immediately. The early you start the medication, the better.
Our team will take you through everything that you need to know about the condition. We have several treatment courses that will be suitable for you without interrupting your daily activities.
Our primary focus is to find long-lasting results so that you can immediately get back to your life.
Our dedicated team at ACellerated Interventional Orthopedics will help you through every step of the way. With the help of your medical history, we guarantee the best treatment.
Call us today! Talk to our professional team to guide you through the process. 580-309-5099
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Understanding The Basics Of Peripheral Neuropathy
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