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Radiofrequency Ablation For Chronic Facet Joint Pain

Radiofrequency Ablation For Chronic Facet Joint Pain

One of your options for long-term and noninvasive relief may be Radiofrequency Ablation if you have chronic pain in your:

Though the name sounds complicated, Radiofrequency Ablation is a relatively simple and outpatient procedure that uses a targeted injection to provide months or even years of relief.

Also, your consultation with Dr. Rich will determine if this procedure is an optimal option for your specific case of chronic pain.

But, before your appointment arrives, here’s a little more information on this modern and highly successful potential treatment.

When Is Radiofrequency Ablation Considered?

Doctors consider Radiofrequency Ablation when your neck or back pain is related to vertebral or spinal conditions due to sacroiliac joint or posterior pelvic pain.

And, this procedure is also considered when patients have more distinctive forms of chronic pain, such as cervicogenic headache, which extends from your neck to your head.

Also, Dr. Rich will dig deep into your medical history to determine if Radiofrequency Ablation will work with your specific condition and your type of chronic pain.

How Does It Work?

While there are slight variations in Radiofrequency Ablation, the procedure is relatively simple. Essentially, via an injection, Radiofrequency Ablation heats a section of the pain-transmitting nerve with a radiofrequency needle, which in turn creates a heat lesion.

From there, the lesion stops the nerve from transmitting pain signals to the brain, which results in a fast reduction of chronic pain in your problem area or areas.

What Are the Benefits?

After Radiofrequency Ablation treatments, patients may see:

Best of all, Radiofrequency Ablation is a solid alternative for prescription painkillers, which can have both short-term and long-term side effects, and which can easily lead to addiction.

How Successful Is Radiofrequency Ablation?

Many researchers and medical professionals are encouraged with recent research on the success rates of Radiofrequency Ablation!

For example, recent research has found that Radiofrequency Ablation can provide long-term relief for a minimum period of six months and a maximum period of three years or more. Also, the reduction of pain in patients who have undergone a Radiofrequency Ablation treatment is substantial.

In specific conditions, Radiofrequency Ablation can result in a:

Few patients report having “no change” in the intensity and frequency of their chronic pain after the procedure. And recent studies have also found that repeated treatments can be especially useful, and particularly in cases where the pain has returned after similar treatments in the past.

Contact Us

Remember, Radiofrequency Ablation is just one of the many options for long-term relief Dr. Rich offers. It takes an in-depth consultation and research into your specific chronic pain condition to determine if this modern treatment is right for you.

Contact us today, and we’ll work together to find the best route to long-term relief for your chronic pain.

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Article Name

Radiofrequency Ablation for Chronic Facet Joint Pain


What is Radiofrequency Ablation and is it the right treatment for your chronic pain? Here’s a closer look at what you need to know about this modern and highly effective potential treatment.


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