Back Pain: When To Worry

Back pain is one of the most common forms in the country. Roughly 80% of Americans experience it at some point in their lives, and often repeatedly.
Many times, pain and its associated causes are due to mundane and somewhat harmless scenarios– such as sleeping in an awkward position or spending too much time sitting at the office.
Other times, however, the root cause of pain is more mysterious and should generate concern, as it could be indicative that the pain will not go away on its own, or is a sign of a more significant issue.
So how do you know if it’s time to seek out the expert advice of an interventional pain management specialist for your back pain?
It starts by looking out for these similar symptoms or situations that could indicate that there’s a more significant issue at hand.
You Had an Injury in the Past
An injury can cause back pain to emerge weeks, months, or even years after the original damage has occurred. Lingering pain after trauma could indicate a more significant issue, such as an untended fracture or herniated disk.
Consider your history, and if you’ve ever had a car accident, sports injury, or other occurrences that may be connected to your pain as a guide of whether it’s time to seek professional medical assistance.
It’s Not Going Away
As a general rule of thumb, you should reach out for help if your condition lasts for more than 12 weeks. At this point, it’s generally classified as chronic. And, more than likely, you will need an interventional pain management specialist’s assistance to treat the root cause of the problem.
It Spreads to Other Parts of the Body
Pain that “radiates” or which seems to move to other parts of your body is also a sign that there’s likely a larger medical issue. Watch out for these areas on your body:
- Chest
- Legs
- Hands
- Feet
- Other parts of your body
Your Range of Motion Is Affected
Does your pain worsen if you’re in a specific position, or if you try to do certain activities, like exercise? This could indicate a chronic condition such as osteoarthritis, which will require medical assistance to treat.
You Have a Fever
A high body temperature accompanied with back pain is a major red flag that could indicate a spinal infection. See a physician immediately if your condition is accompanied by a fever that does not go away on its own.
You Are Unable to Enjoy Everyday Activities
Basically, when it comes to back pain – or any sort of pain for that matter – your inability to enjoy activities you used to is your sign that it’s time to get professional help.
In many cases, you need a specialist’s care to get long-term relief, and the longer you wait, the longer it will take to get back to your normal, happy routine.
Contact Us Today
So, don’t linger and suffer unnecessarily. Contact us today! Take the first step toward diving into the root cause of your condition, and tackling your issues for good.
Article Name
Back Pain: When to Worry
Back pain affects roughly 80% of Americans at some point in their lives, but these signs are indications that there may be a bigger issue at hand.
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